Don’t overlook the potential of a business card is a mini marketing tool. It not only states who you are, yet also shows what you do.
Don’t overlook the importance of this SIZE. Print24 will help you create the perfect business card with the correct layout, content and use of space; an eye-catching business card made to be memorable. If you want to stand out from the crowd of networkers, ensure your business card makes a mark with Print24
The use of colours is pivotal in being remembered. Whether you use a conventional background solid in colour or white with your corporate colours, let your card speak for you and avoid the same old questions of “What is it that you do exactly?” Use the back of the card to show what services you offer. Be it an image of your product, a special offer or even your picture. Print24 will help you through the process. No job is too big or too small where the client is concerned.
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